I have 4 sections, each section have 2 nested rows. I open the rows by tapping on each section.
Here is how my initial data looks like. It has title,
and options
(which is what nested rows should display):
private var sections = [
SortingSection(title: "По имени", subtitle: "Российский рубль", options: ["По возрастанию (А→Я)", "По убыванию (Я→А)"]),
SortingSection(title: "По короткому имени", subtitle: "RUB", options: ["По возрастанию (А→Я)", "По убыванию (Я→А)"]),
SortingSection(title: "По значению", subtitle: "86,22", options: ["По возрастанию (1→2)", "По убыванию (2→1)"]),
SortingSection(title: "Своя", subtitle: "в любом порядке", options: ["Включить"])
When I tap on a section I want it accessory (chevron.right,
made as UIImageView)
be rotated in sync with expanding of nested rows and when I click again the same behaviour for closing.
I have a variable called isOpened
(bool, false by default), which I change from false to true and back each tap in didSelectRowAt.
Based on that a show all nested cells and rotate the UIImageView:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if indexPath.row == 0 {
guard let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? MainSortTableViewCell else { return }
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
if self.sections[indexPath.section].isOpened {
cell.chevronImage.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi/2)
} else {
cell.chevronImage.transform = .identity
} completion: { _ in
tableView.reloadSections([indexPath.section], with: .none)
As you can see above I reload tableView section to show\hide nested rows in a completion block after animation. I can't use reloadSections
in an if\else statement because then chevron animation gets skipped.
Also my numberOrRowsInSection
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
let section = sections[section]
if section.isOpened {
return section.options.count + 1
} else {
return 1
- Here is how it looks now: https://cln.sh/3hjI2q
- Here is what I want (any iPhone native apps): https://cln.sh/z0LM6E
I tried to add and delete rows instead of reloading the whole section, but always end up with error:
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
if self.sections[indexPath.section].isOpened {
cell.chevronImage.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi/2)
for i in 0..<self.sections[indexPath.section].options.count {
tableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: 1+i, section: indexPath.section)], with: .none)
} else {
cell.chevronImage.transform = .identity
for i in 0..<self.sections[indexPath.section].options.count {
tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: i-1, section: indexPath.section)], with: .none)
How can I change my code to solve the task and animate chevron at the same time nested rows expand or close?