ScrollView, stackView,label,button

I have stackView inside scrollView if I put label everything stack fine if I change the label for button it isn’t sticking. what I do wrong?

if I change the label for button it isn’t sticking

Hard to say without seeing more…

  • What is your exact setup ?

-Could you explain (possibly show screenshots) when does it occur (when you scroll ?),

  • what you get and what you expect ?

Could you show also the view hierarchy (detail of storyboard objects structure). Are you sure you put the button in the stack view ?

I tried and could not reproduce, putting a label and a button in an horizontal stackView..

Here is the objects structure in storyboard:

I have same set for Label or Button, tried different setup as well, all works scroll and everything. so how it should work : 40 Label sometimes 1,2,12,36 called, when is called show in order under each other and its works with Label Same thing with Buttons like 1,space,space ,space,space ,space,space ,2 I hope it's make more sense now. and thanks for the help

ScrollView, stackView,label,button