Swift Student Challenge 2022 Mac or iPad?

Can I use the Swift Playgrounds Mac application to code for the 2022 Swift Student Challenge? On 2021, it says that I can use the Swift Playgrounds Mac application but on 2022, it only says XCode on Mac or Swift Playground on iPad. Thank you in advanced.

Swift playground on mac doesn’t provide the support of .swiftpm.

With the latest version of Xcode, you can create a Swift Playground App when creating a new project.

The thing is, you still should test it on the iPad version of Swift Playgrounds, to guarantee that everything works out fine.

To do that, you can take advantage of ✨iCloud✨.

Even though you can't create an App project in the Mac version of Swift Playgrounds, you can drag and drop the project you created with Xcode in Swift Playgrounds and it will automatically be uploaded to iCloud, showing up on the iPad for you to test it.

On the iPad version, you also have access to features like folder creation, which so far I still could not find as a feature on Xcode.

Swift Student Challenge 2022 Mac or iPad?