App not processed due to app thinning with no variants

Since updating to Xcode 13, TestFlight builds get stuck in 'Processing' indefinitely.

Every time I call Apple support they give me the error: Your app was not processing due to app thinning with no variants. For more information please visit

Bit code was enabled (accidentally) so I disabled it on the target/project, as I cannot use it due to a dependency.

This is a react native app so I believe no asset catalog is needed?

I also locally exported the archive as 'Ad Hoc' and 'rebuild from bitcode' with 'App Thinning' enabled for 'All compatible device variants' with no errors.

It creates an App thinning report and all the required ipas.

Is there anywhere else I should be looking for App Thinning related settings or another way to diagnose the issue?


I encounter the same issue, any updates on this?

Nope, I'm still trying to resolve it. Is your error exactly the same?

I encounter the sam error too, and exactly what you have done.

Does anybody knows how to resolve it?

  • me too, No specific reasons were given.just see app thinning. I try to delete some useless testflight Still in process

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testflight Still in process,Who tried to pass?

Build stuck for 2 weeks now. Contacted apple support they mentioned the app thinning issue. It's a react native app. Able to general all kinds of builds ad hoc, development, app store without any error on xcode. I have contacted them again. They haven't replied yet in 30 hours now. Have enabled bitcode as well actually it was enabled by default.

Any workarounds? Is app thinning really the issue?

I have not undergone "Processing" for 3 weeks

Just updated my app version and disabled bitcode and uploaded a build. Seems to work now.

I receive the reply email from apple support. They still try to find the root cause, but they give us a temporary solution (which I think they modify on their server)

Then I rebuild my app and upload it, this time I receive an error during uploading, it's about wrong supported platform in third party framework Info.plist (it supports iphonesimulator in its info.plist)

After modify the info.plist only, everything start to work, and we can start to test it on testflight

  • Mind sharing the temporary solution they offered to you?

  • Very interesting, I only started getting errors locally yesterday when uploading to Testflight. Previously I would have to upload then wait and call a support Agent for the error. Yesterday I got the very same error as you.

    Invalid CFBundleSupportedPlatforms value. The CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key in the Info.plist contains an invalid value, [iPhoneSimulator]

    I removed the library temporarily and voila the build processes.

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Same error here. App processing from days now :(