iPhone device not showing up in Xcode.

My device doesn't show up in Xcode when connecting it to my MacBook. I have tried all the tricks in the book. Restarting Xcode, restarting the Macbook, restarting the device. I've updated both Xcode and iOS device, I've looked in Windows->Devices and Simulators in Xcode, no luck. I've tried the "sudo launchctl stop com.apple.usbmuxd" command in Terminal.

Anything else I should try?

Man oh man, I've been stuck on this for 24h now. And of course just after I posted this, I changed to another USB-C port in the MacBook and sure enough, the device appeared. Lol.

Wow, same, switching to another USB-C worked. Lol.

I and my team have been facing same kinda issue for 10 days. We have updated to latest OS, XCode and iOS i.e. Mac OS Sonama 14.4, XCode 15.3 and iOS 17.4.

Issue is that XCode is not able to show connected iPhone(iOS 17.4) in the connected physical device list. We have tried almost all solutions online like disabling VPN, latest versions, clearing derived data etc but no success.

Please help !!

iPhone device not showing up in Xcode.