Audio trait property in MusicKit

Hi there!

I went through the Apple Music API and stumbled upon Get a Catalog Song's Relationship Directly by Name, an endpoint to fetch a song's relationship by using its identifier.

If you take a look at the example given on the page:

And see the response, it has a property called audioTraits:

“audioTraits”: [                   

And another one hasTimeSyncedLyrics:

“hasTimeSyncedLyrics”: true

Although, I cannot find these two properties in MusicKit's Song.

If I hit the API directly using a developer token generated, it does not have these properties as well.

I know Apple cannot disclose if these properties will be available in the future or not, but curious nonetheless.

Answered by in 709207022

Thank you for reporting this issue with the Apple Music API documentation. We have updated the documentation to resolve this issue.

Accepted Answer

Thank you for reporting this issue with the Apple Music API documentation. We have updated the documentation to resolve this issue.

Audio trait property in MusicKit