When using the date format "MMMM" our Polish users are seeing incorrect month names. I'm not a native speaker, but was informed iOS is using the wrong possessive tense. The month names should be as below (Jan-Dec):
- Styczeń
- Luty
- Marzec
- Kwiecień
- Maj
- Czerwiec
- Lipiec
- Sierpień
- Wrzesień
- Październik
- Listopad
- Grudzień
Can anyone confirm and correct if necessary?
In brief:
NSDateFormatter *instance = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[instance setDateFormat:@ "MMMM yyyy"];
[instance setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
return [instance stringFromDate:self];
From second comment, legacy code isn't setting locale or formattingContext.