Any way to get a notification when iOS system Network change from 5G to 4G?

When switch the net network from 5G to 4G in Setting->Cellular->Primary(the current card using for WANN) -> voice & data -> change to 4G.

SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback not callback.

I try using CTServiceRadioAccessTechnologyDidChangeNotification to get the notification, but won't work too.

And using addObserver:forKeyPath to observer the CTTelephonyNetworkInfo instance's currentRadioAccessTechnology value, it not change too.

But if you create a new CTTelephonyNetworkInfo instance, the currentRadioAccessTechnology will return a new value which is correct.

So it seems the only way to get the new currentRadioAccessTechnology in time, is to start a timer. Is there a graceful way to get it ?

Any way to get a notification when iOS system Network change from 5G to 4G?