I have been unable to capture Live Photos using UIImagePickerController
. I can capture still photos and even video (which is not my scenario but I checked just to make sure), but the camera does not capture live photos. The documentation suggests it should (source):
To obtain the motion and sound content of a live photo for display (using the PHLivePhotoView class), include the kUTTypeImage and kUTTypeLivePhoto identifiers in the allowed media types when configuring an image picker controller. When the user picks or captures a Live Photo, the editingInfo dictionary contains the livePhoto key, with a PHLivePhoto representation of the photo as the corresponding value.
I've set up my controller:
let camera = UIImagePickerController()
camera.sourceType = .camera
camera.mediaTypes = [UTType.image.identifier, UTType.livePhoto.identifier]
camera.delegate = context.coordinator
In the delegate I check for the Live Photo:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey : Any]) {
if let live = info[.livePhoto] as? PHLivePhoto {
// handle live photo
} else if let takenImage = info[.originalImage] as? UIImage, let metadata = info[.mediaMetadata] as? [AnyHashable:Any] {
// handle still photo
But I never get the Live Photo.
I've tried adding NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
to the info.plist
thinking it needs permissions for the microphone, but that did not help. Of course, I've added the NSCameraUsageDescription
to give camera permissions.
Has anyone successfully captured Live Photos using UIImagePickerController