How receive data background if app not Running?

How receive data background if app not Running?

Hell, I need recive data from iPhone to my app in Apple Watch background if apple Watch app not running.

in extension Delegate I use these func

 session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveMessage message: [String : Any])


session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveMessageData messageData: Data, replyHandler: @escaping (Data) -> Void)

if app on Apple Watch data not received.

You're correct that the WatchConnectivity send & receive message functionality won't work for you if your watch app is in the background or not running. There are a number of ways to communicate with your app, and selecting the right one depends on what you're building.

This WWDC talk should help you figure out what will work for you:

How receive data background if app not Running?