How do I deal with Apple Pay Token?

I am developing an application using flutter and I use a plugin for payment by Apple Pay, but when I mad payment, the payment token is returned and it is encrypted, and I cannot determine the response to the user if the process was successful or unsuccessful for some reason, for example, there is no money in the card. Please tell me the next step for receiving the payment token, which I suppose will decrypt the token and give a response on the status of the process, whether it is a success or a failure, and if it fails, what is the reason.

the payment token is returned and it is encrypted, and I cannot determine the response to the user if the process was successful or unsuccessful for some reason, for example, there is no money in the card. Please tell me the next step for receiving the payment token

After your application receives the payment token, the next step is to send the encrypted payment token to your payment service provider and when you receive a successful response from them, then let the user know that the payment was processed successfully. The payment service provider will handle decrypting and proceeding with the financial side of the transaction.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS

Hi all, I'm new in apple pay integration. Can anyone help me how to get applePayPKPaymentToken via soap/cUrl calls in php to be used in callPagamS2S soap APi for fullfilling the payment ? Thanks

How do I deal with Apple Pay Token?