Async @objc didPullToRefresh selector crashes app swift 5.5

I have a table to which I've added a refreshControl and when I pull down the table to refresh the data, I reset the array that feeds the table with data and then immediately request new data through an API call.

Until now, I have used completion handlers and protocols to get the data into the table view but I want to move the logic to async/await because of the complexity needed by the network calls and the pyramid of nested closures.

Populating the view in viewDidLoad works fine but with pullToRefresh selector I get an error:

Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbcf917df8160)
override func viewDidLoad() {
    Task {
      await getBalances() //async network call
   func setupTableRefreshControl() {
    myTable.refreshControl = UIRefreshControl()
    myTable.refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didPullToRefresh), for: .valueChanged)

Code that crashes app:

   @objc func didPullToRefresh() async {
    balance.reset() // reset array to []
    Task {
      await getBalances() //async network call
Answered by crsvld in 704727022

I realized that didPullToRefresh does not need to be marked as async. Removing "async" from the function signature solves the problem

Accepted Answer

I realized that didPullToRefresh does not need to be marked as async. Removing "async" from the function signature solves the problem

Async @objc didPullToRefresh selector crashes app swift 5.5