my segue transition goes upward instead of sideways and does not completely cover screen

In my app using storyboard and spritekit developed in Xcode 12.5.1 uses segue connected button to bring up another storyboard which presents a scene and show a sprite. The segue sequence triggered by the use pressing the Play button and running the segue shows an upward transition and the scene with the sprite that when clicked animates that sprite. My problem is I was getting two events that are causing me issues. The first is that I was expecting a sidewards transition for the Show segue. and second that the scene only covers 2 thirds on the screen not all of it. Screenshots of. Xcode showing main storyboard and segue connections, simulator app Settings, app Game initial view and app Game with sprite animated. Anyone any hints for me for explanation of the first event and how to resolve the second which is spoiling my development time?

Are there any performSeque implementations in MainViewController?

there are no segue's in the code. I simply Ctrl-Dragged the Play button to the GameView in the MainStoryboard. Should have coded something instead and if so what?

my segue transition goes upward instead of sideways and does not completely cover screen