App Clip - MultipeerConnectivity

Whilst it works in the Simulator, I can't seem to get MultipeerConnectivity working in an App Clip on device.

I've got both NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription and NSBonjourServices correctly set in Info.plist (or in Xcode 13's Info tab). And again, it works in the iOS Simulator. But on device, I'm getting:

> Server did not publish: errorDict [{      NSNetServicesErrorCode = "-72008";      NSNetServicesErrorDomain = 10;  }].

I notice there's no "App Clip" section in the iOS Privacy Settings under "Local Network" (as there is under "Microphone", for example, despite not having any App Clips installed that have requested mic access).

And so I wonder - does the MultipeerConnectivity framework work with App Clips?
