"The file can't be found."

When logging in to my M1 MacBook Air, 12.3 Beta 1, I find from 1 to many alerts, tiled down and to the right, all with the same error message "The file can't be found."

  • Also seeing the same. Are you running Better Touch Tool? That's currently my front contender while trying to find what's causing this.

  • I'm also seeing this since the 12.3 beta and yes I have BetterTouchTool - haven't been able to isolate the cause yet though.

    #Update - this has been fixed in the new alpha for BTT https://community.folivora.ai/t/the-file-cant-be-found/25868

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I'm seeing the same after upgrading to 12.3 beta 1 on 14" MacBook Pro M1 Max. Additionally, sometime I also see an empty narrow Safari window and several of these "The file can't be found" popups. The safari windows doesn't always show up though. I haven't been able to determine a pattern.