HomeKit Sample App: HMErrorDomain Code=-1

I'm following the instructions for the following sample code: Configuring a Home Automation Device.

I am testing it against the GarageOpener created in the HAS.

The app runs fine in an iPhone 11 emulator (asks for permission, asks to create a home), but when I try to add an accessory (click on + button), I get the following error:

AccessoryUI[17193:16798598] [HMHomeManager] [A81090A5-0F80-479F-9DD6-C282D48F16D6] Failed to receive accessory setup response payload: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=-1 "(null)"
Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=-1 "Unexpected error." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unexpected error.}

I have signed in into the iPhone emulator with my apple ID.

Must be a pilot error, but no clue what I am doing wrong to make this work against an accessory created in HAS.


+1 - disappointing to be stalled at step 1 :(

I have exactly the same issue

HomeKit Sample App: HMErrorDomain Code=-1