What's the right way to start app proxy + dns proxy

Hi there,

We have app proxy + dns proxy both launched like below way:

      // Start App Proxy
			ProxyManager.shared().loadProxyManager(connect: true) {
				ProxyManager.shared().addObserver {}
			// Start the DNS Proxy

With MDM profile, it work all good.

But if without MDM profile, there will be two prompts asking confirmation to add net services for each proxy. But the first prompt will disappear and replaced by the second prompt. Thus can only confirm and add the second proxy net service.

The result is only dns proxy net service added and running. No app proxy net service seen or running.

Is it the right way that I launch both proxies like that? Still we need the use case without MDM profile.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


Is it the right way that I launch both proxies like that? Still we need the use case without MDM profile.

My advice here would be one of two things:

  1. Isolate the installation path of each Proxy Provider so that the user can go through the prompts and install each provider at a time. This could be done through two different buttons or execution paths in your container app.

  2. Split each Proxy Provider into it's own app and essentially do the same thing mentioned above. This option by far works the best, but I understand that it is a lot more work and maintenance.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS
What's the right way to start app proxy + dns proxy