ARView Frame Timestamp/Elapsed Time


I've been looking all over the place but so far I haven't found a trivial way to grab ARView's current timestamp. So basically the elapsed time since the scene started rendering. I can access that in the Surface and Geometry shaders but I would like to pass a timestamp as a parameter in order to drive shader animations. I feel that's more efficient than injecting animation progress manually on every frame, especially if there are lot's of objects with that shader.

So far what I've done is subscribing to the Scenes Update event and using the delta time to calculate the elapsed time myself. But this is quite error prone and tends to break when I present the scene a second time (e.g closing and reopening to AR experience). The only other option I found was using a render callback and to grab the time property from the PostProcessContext. That works well but do I really have to go that route? Would be great if there is an easy way to achieve this.

Pretty much an equivalent to this:

NOTE: I'm not looking for the timestamp of the ARSessions current frame.

Thank you!