Why these *.plist.* files in my iOS app's directory `/AppData/Library/Preferences`

Our company's app uses NSUserDefaults to do what a real database does. I know it's a wrong way to store data, but we have no time to change to SQLite. Now, a problem is that the app is very huge sometimes in iPhone 6/6plus. I download the app data from the device and I found that there're a lot of *.plist.* files with *.plist. and the unexpected file is very huge. Then I opened one of them in vim, and I found that they all have `bplist00ß` string in the begining.

The files are like:

// in AppData/Library/Preference/


If you see bplist, that means the file is in binary plist format. You can convert it to xml using the plutil command line tool:

plutil -convert xml1 <FilePath>

Thank you. But these files are not I want. How to avoid them in my app?

Why these *.plist.* files in my iOS app's directory `/AppData/Library/Preferences`