Is WebKit available on WatchOS?

Hello, I published an iOS (14.1+) app on the App Store. At present time it is free for download (see the link on my profile). It's mainly for people using public transportation.

I would like to create the companion watch app. I am just starting to work on it but the code is already done, I just have to put it together.

The main issue seems to be that the WKWebView functionality the iOS app has to display a special list, is not available WatchOS, so the watch app cannot be created.

Is that true, or just I did not understand? XCode is complaining about the WebKit not being available when building for the WatchOS simulator.

I could use a normal list but the user experience would be different.

I cannot find relevant information anywhere. I am developing with SwiftUI and I used the WKWebView inside a UIViewRepresentable on iOS.

Please can anyone tell me something on this subject?

Thanks in advance

WebKit is only available on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

If you have a specific need for WKWebView on watchOS, please file feedback with more details about your use case. Make sure to include details about why a WKWebView was required for this special list on iOS.

Is WebKit available on WatchOS?