IOS Swift Playgrounds on iPad - enable Background modes

I’m building a simple app exclusively using Swift Playgrounds on the iPad - prefer not to get into Xcode if I can help it.. my MacBook is ancient (2011) and doesn’t support the newer Swift Xcode releases.

My app needs it to play background audio but I haven’t been able to find any way to enable background modes outside of Xcode

Is there any way to do this without Xcode or will I need a newer Mac?

Is there any way to do this without Xcode or will I need a newer Mac?

As far as I tried till now, Swift Playgrounds 4 does not have an ability to make an app with Background Modes enabled.

You may need to get a newer Mac capable of running the latest Xcode, or else you may need to re-consider the functionalities of your app.

As you have discovered, there is a lot missing from Swift Playgrounds 4 in terms of 'capabilities'. File a feedback and post your number here. I'd be happy to reference yours in my request to allow background Bluetooth. Mine is: FB9833184

IOS Swift Playgrounds on iPad - enable Background modes