TextKit 2 Demo Question

Hi there, I have a small question regards to the TextKit 2 demo app:

In macOS / TextDocumentView.swift / viewportBounds(for:) / Line 106 , why compare overdrawRect.minY with max(visibleRect.minY, 0)? Isn’t overdrawRect.minY always the smaller one (as it’s an overdraw rect)?

Another question would be, if I'm planning to start working on an application with complex text editing features, would you recommend using NSTextView for now and wait for further updates, or just use the TextKit 2 stack (with CALayers) like the one used in the demo? I really love TextKit 2 and so far the demo seems pretty performant. But I don't know if there is any drawbacks if I build a TextKit 2 stack on my own so I'm looking forward to your advice.

Many thanks

TextKit 2 Demo Question