How to properly ask for location permissions in WatchOS 8

Hi. I'm developing a running App for WatchOS. During onboarding I ask for location permission in order to save the workout route. I use requestWhenInUseAuthorization()on a CLLocationManager. Since WatchOS 8, I have encountered some weird behavior. After a while the permission seems to "reset" without any interaction by the user or the App. When I check the permission in WatchOS, its state is "Ask or When I Share". Am I'm missing something or is it a bug? I'm also unable to change the permissions in settings.


I solved this problem by providing the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in the Info.plist of the iOS app (Additionally to the WatchKit extension). The iOS App never tracks location and therefore it never asks for permission, but it seems like the keys are still necessary.