Handoff with iCloud document-based app doesn't work

When tapping the Handoff icon of my app on the Mac or on the iPad, Xcode logs this error:

[default personal] [ERROR] +[NSURL(BRAdditions) br_documentURLFromBookmarkableString:error:]: (passed to caller) error: Error Domain=BRCloudDocsErrorDomain Code=8 "Not Entitled" UserInfo={NSDescription=Not Entitled}

When setting a breakpoint at NSApplicationDelegate.application(_:continue:restorationHandler:), I can see that userInfo.activityType is the one specified with the key NSUbiquitousDocumentUserActivityType under the Info.plist Document Types, but userActivity.userInfo is empty, so the document url is apparently not sent. Is there something else I have to set up?


I have this problem too