Diskmanagement.disenter error 49218

Hello everyone,

I'm having a little issue with mounting my external hard drive lately. I've tried quite a few methods in hope of getting it to work again, but so far, no luck. I hope someone can help me solve this issue, or those who have the same problem may also share your insights.

My external hard drive was working fine about a week ago. But one day, I ejected the hard drive and the icon disappeared, so I thought it was safe to unplug it. When I did, it said the hard drive was not properly removed. It still works fine when I use it the next day, but the same thing happened. It said the drive was not properly removed after I ejected the drive, waited for the icon to disappear, and then unplugged the drive. After that, it never works again, and the attached images are the info I got when I tried to mount or run first aid on this drive.

Please help & thank you in advance!

Computer: 27" iMac - MacOS Monterey

External Hard Drive: WD_Black 4TB. APFS encrypted

Hi everyone, Today I was surprised by my MacBook with the same problem. I have the 4TB Sandisk Extreme on USB-C and I got this error. Tried a few things and by the time I have decided to give up and getting ready to delete the messed up partition and format my drive, I decided to give it a try on my iPad Pro Gen 4. Guess what. iOS can read the partition and right now I am in the process of copying everything of the Sandisk.

This is what works for me. I can see all the files and I am more than half way with copying.

Have a good day.

Uncle E

I've had the same exact issue as everyone posting here. M1 Macbook pro connecting to a 1TB buspowered SSD with the error (com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49218.) Very frustrating to say the least and makes me extremely leery of trusting APFS at all going forward. I'm in need of fixing this drive and using it this week but thankfully my drive in question has been backed up elsewhere so I'm afraid my only solution is to start over and use anything else besides APFS. 😔 Apple, please fix this terrible mishap!

I did however want to give any frustrated users some hope for their data:

Plugging my drive into an iPad does reveal all of the contents on the drive. Don't understand why at all but it's at least a way to help see what's on the drive. Thanks to Uncle E for that option!

And for any of those wanting to recover via "Disk Drill" or other recovery software, Setapp is a cheap subscription that gets you access to Disk Drill and many other apps. There's a free trial so you can grab all of that precious data: https://go.setapp.com/invite/mffb1pna

Hope that a fix happens someday and it's on Apple's radar 🙏

I am having the same issue since I upgraded my computer to Monterey 12.5.1 I can no longer view my newest western digital hard drive on my MacBook Pro anymore. I have a passport 5TB drive and it is no longer mounting on my Mac.

I'm seeing this with Big Sur 11.6.8 So far I've found that it happens consistently with two external USB spinning disks used for the Time Machine. Often one of the two will mount, Time Machine runs fine.

This happens to my macbook pro after using an external monitor/mouse. (External keyboard is bluetooth) After disconnecting the monitor/keyboard/mouse, sometimes one of the two external drives will work, if I plug it into a USB port that was NOT used for the monitor/mouse.

Consistently, both external disks work after a laptop power-off/on, continue to work with multiple unmount/disconnect cycles. The first time I use the external monitor/mouse, then disconnect them, plugin the external disks, one or both disk will not mount.

This looks like a bug in how the USB ports are reset after use.

Apple support recommended updating the operating system, a good answer. However, reading through all of these replies, it really looks like a kernel or driver use case bug.

Same for me. I have now three irrepairable APFS disks lying around waiting for the engineers getting their act together. That is more trashed disks in 5 years of APFS than in the 25 years or so that HFS+ is around. HFS+ was always salvagable somehow if there was a problem. APFS? not so much. What a poor performance on Apple's part.

Did you read my post from above? If you plug your APFS disks in an iPad Pro iOS can see the partition and you can copy your data safely and reformat the drive. If you need more assistance let me know.

My disk was an Samsung 8 TB SSD an 870 QVO with 8000 GB. Returned it. With the 870 QVO 4000 GB model I had no problems. Hard to say is it MacOS causing the problem or was it the hardware. I assume it was MacOS, because I first got a replacement disk, but it had the same problem:

  • initialising
  • partitioning as APFS or HFS+ (tried both)
  • first I could write and read to disk
  • after first removal from USB port, they didn't reconnect again
  • both new disks

I just went from an older version of macbook pro to the new M1 with Monterey. Whenever I get the issue you are all talking about I have to take the hard drive to my old mac and mount it there. After that, it works again on my M1. I guess it's the same as with the iPad solution. I just wanted to post it as I see a patters here. Obviously there's some bug in Moneterey and other OS systems are able to fix it, but not Monterey. So weather you have an Ipad or another mac with a different operating system, then it should work. Hope they fix it in later versions

Me too... Old TimeCapsule, working fine since. We lost a MacBoook, so we bought a new one w/Monterey and tried to restore from Time Machine. After a couple of hours, the TM disk is "empty". Put the disk on a different driver, we can see three partitions, the interesting one is 998GB in size, choched full, and it is not possible to mount. Disk Utility cannot repair the disk, something wrong with the partition allocation map.

Same issue here. I am a professional photography and use external hard drives all the time with NO issues. I bought a new Macbook Pro M1 and now I cant access any of my drives but 1. I have no idea what is going on. I am able to install bootcamp and use the APFS for windows by Paragon Software mounter to access the drive. So it is definitely a probably with the new OS on the MAc. But even my older Mac's can no longer access the External Hard Drives that I have been using for YEARS!!! Anyone have a fix? Please. I CANNOT lose any of the data nor the organization. WE are talking like 10TB of info that CANNOT be lost.

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities (https://discussions.apple.com) run by Apple Support.

Dud how in the world is that still a thing @ apple. My iMac crashed and then my ssd won't mount … sudo pkill -f fsck doenst work for me. fix it dudes …

I had the same issue. Is this issue fixed in APFS version shipped in Ventura ?

Been having this issue with he same 49218 error appear on several external SSD's that were disconnected without a proper unmount. In the past doing ejects and unmounts from the terminal allowed the drive to reconnect but no luck this time around. You can see in the screenshot the OS can see my partition but it will not mount, the greyed out partition. I am now at a loss as well, no idea how to continue to troubleshoot. Seeing as I've seen this issue on multiple drive's over the past year or so, Apple needs to get it together and fix. Unmount, eject and trying to remount does not work, first aid does not work.

Computer: 27" iMac - MacOS Ventura 13.1 External Hard Drive: Toshiba 4TB - APFS. I'm having the same issue, after a power cut. iBoysoft Data Recovery can see and rescue the data but not the folder . I'm on the trial version now (so if I don't want to pay near 100 USD, I can rescue only 1Gb). I'm still looking how make the hard drive resuscitate. As far as I heard the bug can be on the format (APFS) and the kind of disc (not SSD).

Still 0 fix for this error 49218 MacOS bug ?

+1 for this problem. My drive is a raided SSD in a PCIe slot of a Mac Pro 2019. Worked fine one day, not the next.

I've been using OS 11 for the past year and it was so solid. I just upgraded to 12.6.2 and new issues pop up like this every other day. The OS12 is so flaky, I can't imagine what OS13 is like!

Sytem updated to Ventura 13.1. Now can't access 4 TB drive. Now trying disk image.

Was working before.

Still have data as can see it on my windows laptop

Same exact issue as everyone else. Drive was working fine for days, and then a power issue caused the drive to not mount. Works fine on iPad, which means the drive is fine. FIX IT APPLE!

PLEASE HELP ME! the same thing happens to me. I have a SD memory transcend 1TB in APFS format. However in iPhone I can read it. This happened on Monterry and now with Ventura 13.1

The apple technician told me to format it with macOS plus with registration, which is a more secure format. Has anyone got the error with this format?

I have the exact same problem with a 4TB WD My Passport HDD. I upgraded to Ventura 13.2 and my disk suddenly can't be mounted anymore. First Aid refuses to do anything, and my errors are identical to those in the original post.

Fortunately I have a spare laptop running Fedora 36, so I was able to install apfs-fuse (https://github.com/sgan81/apfs-fuse), and mount the disk without any problems. I ran:

sudo dnf install -y apfs-fuse

sudo mkdir -p /media/$USERNAME/my-passport

sudo apfs-fuse -o allow_other /dev/sda1 /media/<username>/my-passport

And that allowed me read-only access to the disk and I could copy the files over.

I still haven't found a solution for the actual issue, though I did find one corrupted symlink on the disk, and an ls -ia . in the containing directory showed it with question marks instead of the usual properties, it had no inode and couldn't be deleted from the drive (I tried mounting the disk on Linux as rw using https://github.com/linux-apfs/linux-apfs-rw, hoping that I may be able to remove the file, but to no avail).

The only solution is to run a fsck which brings us back to the start, so no luck with that. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a fsck for APFS available on Linux right now so I had to reformat my disk.

I'm having this 49218 problem for the second time with a WD Elements 5TB drive as a Time Machine backup for an M1 MBP running Monterey 12.6. I returned the first WD drive in December as defective but now I see it might be the OS.

The problem has been there (for me) since before Catalina. I changed a drive for a higher capacity one, and now have it slaved with an enclosure. Any time there is the slightest physical disturbance to the drive, there is a report of having unmounted the drive without ejection. Subsequently, the drive gives the error message "com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49218". I keep the drive in the hope that one day, Apple will look at the problem! I am not holding my breath.

Hello, I am using translator.

I already know how to recover the files, enabling reading and writing for disks in non-fat32 format with encryption and that is to connect it in my case to 1 ipad (in my case ipad pro 12.9" 4th generation) and then enter the key in the app "Files" and that's it, you can download everything to the ipad (files) and then from the ipad to macbook or etc.

PS: But it still can't erase the drive for other devices to recognize it.

Diskmanagement.disenter error 49218