Voice Over: The UIButton's label is repeated when activated

I have a UIButton, when focus on the button, VoiceOver will speak the button's label, when double tap to activate it, VoiceOver will speak the button's label again. Is there anyway I can prevent speaking the button's label again when double tapping the button?

Hello @munniee, I was able to get desired effect this trait AccessibilityTraits.startsMediaSession:

Use this trait to silence the audio output of an assistive technology, such as VoiceOver, during a media session that should not be interrupted. For example, you might use this trait to silence VoiceOver speech while the user is recording audio.

There's small side effect that disables pronunciation of next element if changed quickly, but you can additionally post announcement, e.g. UIAccessibility.post(notification: .announcement, argument: "Next element label")

Voice Over: The UIButton's label is repeated when activated