Universal App Not Resizable as Expected

I have an app that started out as an iPhone/iPad app and I added support for Mac. According to videos and documentation I've read online, one of the things you get for free is the ability to resize screens. It does, in fact, work that way when I build to MacOS from Xcode. However, when I upload the build to Testflight and run that version of the app, installed by Testflight, it doesn't resize. I should qualify that. I can drag a corner to switch it between portrait and landscape, but the size remains the same.

I'm not sure what to look for, especially since resizing works when I build from Xcode. Any suggestions? I'm using SideMenu as the navigation controller for the app. The main view controller that instantiates Side Menu adds four view controllers as children. One of those is a portrait-only view controller. Since it works as expected when I build from Xcode, anything I try will have to be archived and uploaded to Testflight. So any suggestions of likely things to try would be greatly appreciated. I am NOT doing anything with windowScene size restrictions.

Accepted Reply

It turns out that in Testflight, I had apparently installed the iOS version. After toggling the macOS/iOS toggle at the top of the Testflight app, and installing the macOS version, it worked as expected.


It turns out that in Testflight, I had apparently installed the iOS version. After toggling the macOS/iOS toggle at the top of the Testflight app, and installing the macOS version, it worked as expected.