Not showing BSSID or Country Code with airport -s command


I am trying to run the "airport -s" command to get a list of all the wifi networks around me for something I'm working on. However, the BSSID's and Country Codes (CC) are both not showing in the output.

I also tried the "airport -I" command, and that doesn't show it either.

Running M1 Macbook Pro 13 inch, MacOS 12.0.1. I tried this on another MacBook (2014 11 inch air) running Big Sur, and it worked perfectly there. Is this something with Monterey, or is it something else?


It's 100% Monterey related.

I'm facing this issue on my 2018 MBP since the Monterey update and all the Macs in Apple Stores (which are all running on Monterey) face the same issue (Intel, M1 or anything beyond). See my related reddit post from a month ago:

You now need to use sudo to get BSSID and country code information.

Partial solution:

sudo su
crontab -e
* * * * * /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep BSSID > /Users/your_name/Desktop/airport_output.txt

then read this file periodically and parse the relevant bits out

          BSSID: 28:e8:29:6e:c2:25

this is in case you want to automate this / need this info in your scripts

Not showing BSSID or Country Code with airport -s command