draw vision barcodes

Hi, I have seen this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10041/

and in my project i am trying to draw detected barcodes. I am using Vision framework and i have the barcode position in boundingBox parameter, but i dont understand cgrect of that parameter.

I am programming in objective c and i don't see resources, and for more complication i have not an image, i am capturing barcodes from video camera sesion.

for parts: 1-how can i draw detected barcode like in the video (from an image). 2-how can i draw detected barcode in capturesession.

I have used VNImageRectForNormalizedRect to pass from normalized to pixel, but the result is not correct.

thank you very much.

You can take a look at this article, I hope it can help you.

Barcode detection using Vision framework


Some screenshots of the article:

Thank you very much. Is any information about how to translate from vision bounding box cgrect to UIKit coordinate space in objective c? I didn't found any page with information. In the tutorial that you attach there are some function en swift that i can't translate to objective c.

This one: let rectangles = boxesAndPayload.map { $0.box } .map { CGRect(origin: $0.origin.translateFromCoreImageToUIKitCoordinateSpace(using: image.size.height), size: $0.size) }

Thank you for your time

draw vision barcodes