hotspot tcp accept failed

I want to set up a proxy in the Packet Tunnel Provider to listen to, for example,, and then traffic from other devices after a hotspot accesses the shared port 8088. The local monitoring is started successfully, but the traffic from the hotspot cannot be accepted. Can anyone answer? Why is this? I have local monitoring on port 8088, and the hotspot traffic data should be accepted by the local device. I can use it normally by setting the tcp do not route option before the 15.1 version, and I found it after upgrading to 15.1 Can’t use it anymore. Is there any change?


I want to set up a proxy in the Packet Tunnel Provider to listen to, for example,

Using a Packet Tunnel Network Extension as a means to run a proxy server is not a recommended or supported use case for this API. This API is mean to secure network traffic from a VPN client to a VPN server for business purposes or app level security.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS