i have a SceneKit/ARKit (with my own metal shader) app and I need to change the main texture format from .bgra8unorm_srgb to .bgra8unorm. Since it is srgb, anything I draw is again converted to srgb and shown too bright.
Is there a way to change it/how can it be changed? I didn't find anything useful in docs or examples.
For everyone who also has this Problem (capturing ARKit video image and using it in your frag shader turning out too bright):
(This example is a part of my IOS app, so aspect ratio and such could/should change for other devices)
The conversion vom YCbCr_srgb to RGB conversion is a 2 step operation.
First you have to matrix-multiply your color with this YCbCr conversion matrix.
constant const float4x4 ycbcrToRGBTransform = float4x4(
+1.0000f, +1.0000f, +1.0000f, +0.0000f,
+0.0000f, -0.3441f, +1.7720f, +0.0000f,
+1.4020f, -0.7141f, +0.0000f, +0.0000f,
-0.7010f, +0.5291f, -0.8860f, +1.0000f
The second step is to adjust your gamma.
So you end up with something like this:
fragment float4 myFragmentShader(fragmentInOut in [[ stage_in ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageY [[ texture(0) ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageCBCR [[ texture(1) ]]) {
constexpr sampler s(mip_filter::linear,
// in.displayBounds and in.position is calculated in the vertex shader, 0.615764 is aspect ratio of the video image size
float fx = (((in.displayBounds.x - in.position.x) / in.displayBounds.x) - 0.5) * 0.615764 + 0.5;
float fy = (((in.position.y) / in.displayBounds.y) - 0.5) * 1.0 + 0.5;
// Flip them around, since we're in portrait mode here, for full device orientation awareness, you have to add a bit more logic
const float2 tp = float2(fy, fx);
// Sample the color from the captured video frame
const float4 ycbcr = float4(capturedImageY.sample(s, tp).r, capturedImageCBCR.sample(s, tp).rg, 1.0);
// apply the YCbCr to RGB transform matrix and apply the gamma correction
const float3 rgbColor = pow((ycbcrToRGBTransform * ycbcr).rgb, 2.2);
// Now if you return this color, it will look exactly the same as the video background
return float4(rgbColor, 1.0);