Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

I have the same situation in my macbook 14

Same issue on Mac Book Pro 14 on Monterey. Outlook shows no search results. Tried following steps:

Deleting/Adding exchange accountInstalling Outlook againAdding and removing Outlook Profile from Spotlight privacy tab per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/troubleshoot/outlook-for-mac/useful-tools

Updating Monterey from Version 12.0 to 12.0.1 fixed this issue. Outlook search now working as expected.

I have 12.0.1, but unfortunately it is not working. Any idea to rebuild the outlook database?

Same problem here, macbook 14" Tried all suggested solution, but none works.

Has anyone solved the problem yet?

Same problem MacBook Pro 14, Monterey 12.0.1, Outlook 16.55

I have a same problem MB Pro 16" with M1 Max.

Seems like we're living parallel lives! Exactly the same for me, just got a new Mac Pro 14" this weekend, used migration assistant to transfer everything from a well-beaten Mac Air and all essentially went well - except searching in Outlook (365). I've tried putting main ID into Spotlight Privacy and taking it out, restarting and other things that don't involve rebuilding identities, just because I'm lacking in confidence and basically scared I'll do something wrong! It seems to me though that something so common must have a simple answer, so I'm just hoping that someone might come up with it! If I do, I'll post it back.

me too !

same incr frustrated

Same for me, Macbook Pro 14 M1 Max, tried everything, even deleting "Outlook.sqlite" and have no result. I think we should wait for the MacOS update.

Right now I am using Mac Mail in parallel to be able to search all my mails from exchange and use outlook mainly for calendars. It's a ****** setup, but at least it works for now. Hoping for software updates soon.

You think it is a MacOs problem or it is a Microsoft problem? I asked it in a Microsoft forum as well, but still no answer. Mail can be good for incoming search, but needs extra work for outgoing letters

same problem here. New MBP 14" with Monterey 12.0.1. Outlook search without any results.

I am in the some boat, have a new MBP 14" moved over data using migration Asst. cannot get Outlook to show any search results. Using Web-based Outlook for work as temporary solution, but would appreciate an update on fixing this.

Does search work for Outlook in Office 365? I am using Outlook for Mac 16.16.27. Is it time to upgrade? — king17 less than a minute ago Edit this post

Same problem here. New MBP 14" with Monterey 12.0.1. Outlook search without any results. About to raise a ticket on MSFT, as Spotlight search finds emails, but not in Outlook, also tried rebuild of search and new Outlook Profile now good.

I have the same Outlook search issue on my recently migrated user profile. I tried all the tricks outlined in the forums ... to no avail. However, when I create a new user, and set up Outlook (with the same email address) the search works without problems.

So, the search issue is linked to a user migrated profile. Hopefully Microsoft / Apple solve the issue soon.

new MPB, monterey 12.01, outlook 16.55. just to keep this on the radar, same problem, search not working on email or contacts, can see them in spotlight Tried all the spotlight tricks, reinstalled outlook 365. nothing works. Microsoft tech help unable to provide fix, if you can get hold of them....

I have exactly the same problem with brand new MBP 14"....missing the e-mail search option is making work harder

Same problem. 2021 MBP 14" running Monterey 12.0.1

If you are using Outlook 2021 try toggling on "New Outlook" - is right below the Search window. For me this fixes the Search function. I do not like some of the ways the new interface works so have kept it turned off but it does seem to fix the search function.

Switching to "New Outlook" resolved the issue for me, seach now works Outlook 16.55 (21111400) 1.0.1 Montery

Switching to "New Outlook" resolved the issue for me, search now works Outlook 16.55 (21111400) Montery 12.0.1. But I do not like new outlook, now being forced to used

Hi all, I don't believe there is a fix if you want to stay with Outlook 2016. However, I updated to the latest software with Office 365 and it is working fine again. I am also using the "New" Outlook toggle. So there is a fix, it just might not be suitable for people who don't have an office subscription.

Outlook search not works in Monterey