Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

same problem with MBP 2015. Really it's frustrating, I need my emails to be searched second by second and now the only way I have to search with spotlight and the results will show only the subject!!!

I am in the same boat. M1 Pro (12.1) and I used time machine to migrate from my old Mac to this one. Outlook (16.56) search does not work at all.

Same issue here. I'm running Monterey 12.1 and tried everything above and nothing worked.

I have same issue on my new MacBook Pro that has recently updated to macOS Monterey 12.1

Outlook Support was very fast to help me by suggesting to add my Outlook Profile to the Privacy tab of the Spotlight Settings, which will exclude any information within Outlook from being indexed by Spotlight. The next step is to delete the very same profile from the Privacy tab, which immediately kicks off the process of re-indexing everything under the Outlook profile. You can check this by going into Activity Monitor where you will probably see processeses named 'mds' or 'mds_stores' running. Usually a lot of CPU is used when a fresh re-index kicks off.

If the above doesn't work, Outlook Support suggest dragging the Mac HD into the Privacy tab (similarly as described above), and then delete it, which will re-index the entire Mac HD including the emails stored in the same profile (above) within Outlook.

In the past, I have found that one of these 2 approaches work; however, in this case, no. So I still cannot search for anything in my emails in Outlook, which makes the app almost useless as I need to search my emails and calendars continually throughout the day for crucial and time-sensitive information.

Does anyone know if a software upgrade is acknowledged and is on its way from Microsoft or Apple?

The same here... all of the workaround have been tested (deleted profile, allowed spotlight permissions...) but no chance. Very frustrating, paid for a working software with a tons of features and the basics are not available... it doesn't matter if it is a problem from apple or ms. It's a BIG problem. I'll switch to something else but I'm getting really angry.

I am suffering this same issue. I followed the instructions of MS support, reindexed the folders but it didn’t get any better. I hope a fix is released from anybody, apple or Microsoft asap.

Im on the latest 12.1 Monterey and the latest version of Outlook V 16.56 (21121100) and my search has stopped working. No workaround works at moment (eg. Spotlight reindex etc.)

Same issue. Outlook 16.56 with OS Monterey 12.1 and I tried EVERYTHING suggested. Nothing works. Mail search is vital for work. If anyone finds any solution please share

does anyone know when this will be fixed? same issue on Monterey 12.1

same issue here! Im on the latest 12.1 Monterey and the latest version of Outlook 365

Microsoft has acknowledged they are "working with apple" to resolve this now known issue. No timeline for a fix.

Same problem here in my MBP 14, tried pretty much everything above... I guess we'll need to wait for updates =/....

I've got exactly the same issue. OS Monterey 12.1 Outlook Mac 16.56. I also tried to rebuilt the indexes using instruction from Microsoft website and during the rebuild I could search but once it finished there were no results found. Strange thing is that I've also noticed the same issue on Windows 10 using Outlook 365 (e.g. I've been searching for a work email which I knew contained certain phrase and it was never found so I ended up trawling through folders and found the email which had the exact phrase I'd searched for). So, it leads me to believe it's more a Microsoft issue.

Same issue here, both on M1 and intel based MACs. I had fully working installations and just upgrading to 12.1, search stops. Same outlook. To me this is an Apple issue, or at least due to a change they did in this release.

Same issues after upgrading to macOS Monterey 12.1. I installed Outlook for Mac beta Version 16.57 (21122200), but the issue is still there.

Rebuilding Spotlight database does not help, Outlook still shows "no results" when searching.

Regarding the Outlook Search / Monterey 12.1 issue , I tried the new Outlook Beta 16.57.21122200 released today but I don't think this address the issue as I still get no result even after moving Main Profile in and out of Spotlight Privacy . I cannot see the release notes as yet on the MS Outlook beta release notes page as yet.

Microsoft Support suggested to uninstall and re-install office..has anyone tried that? i doubt that will work..

Just for the sake of sharing the info,

--> I have the issue on my Monterey 12.1/O365 16.56 setup but no issues with my Big Sur 11.6.1/O365 16.56 setup.

I tried the new outlook but i'm unable to import my existing emails :/ account is a pop account so that is def not a solution for me

Same issue here for just a simple "unread" folder. No matter how many unread messages you have, no matter what folder you are in, the screen returns blank. Same on all Mac computers I use (2017 Imac Pro, 2015 Imac & M1 Macbook Air) all with Monterey installed.

All new messages are displayed in Smart Folder. But if you change the Smart Folder and return to it again, the messages disappear again.

I had the same issue. Then i switched to the new outlook GUI. the search in old GUI doesn't work. But in the new GUI it works properly. The search is available over Titel Bar.

move tho the new outlook GUI. The search doesn't work on the old GUI but switching to the NEW outlook GUI solved the problem

Same problem, also terminal suggest actions do not work!

I would really like to switch to the new outlook GUI to have the search available again, but when I click on the switch, a message with my mail accounts appears telling me that these cannot be used with the new Outlook (see screenshot: https://wolf.d.pr/n6rq3U ). Since I really need all these accounts (most of them POP) including all the actual mails I didn't dare yet to make that switch. I fear that I won't have access to all the mails anymore. Maybe someone here can shed some light on this...

Outlook search not works in Monterey