Unable to receive Postback for SKAdNetwork 3.0


Is anybody else experiencing issues with SKAdNetwork 3.0 postbacks?

Currently, we are working on SKAdNetwork update from 2.1 to 3.0. For the whole update process, we've strictly followed every step of SKAdNetwork documentation but after we've updated to SKAd 3.0, we are no longer receiving production postbacks (actual source-app-id instead of 0 as described at Receive a Postback During Testing.

That being said, we are receiving test postbacks for SKAd 3.0, and test/production postbacks for SKAd 2.1.

What we've checked so far:

  • of course app behind source-app-id is Store signed and is live on store
  • the only thing that changed, is version=3.0 parameter and new fidelity-type=1 parameter inside signature (Currently we are only using Store-Kit rendered ads)
  • we triple-checked that all parameters are of the correct type and in correct order when generating Signature - as described here
  • we triple-checked that we are sending all necessary Ad Network Validation Keys inside loadProduct(withParameters:completionBlock:) method

However, we are having some hard times verifying that signature is correct (for SKAd 3.0 test and production postbacks). To clarify that, we've tried to verify the signature for test postback (with source-app-id), which we've received as described above, but signature Verification Failed.

How can we verify, that our generated signature is valid and is not causing postbacks for not arriving? Is there any additional configuration needed for SKAdNetwork 3.0?

Any help here would be highly appreciated as we are currently out of ideas what we could still try and check.

Thank you!

I got this error in console and the apple assistant told me it could be caused by invalid signature. maybe you can check the log in your console?

appstored	Cannot insert pingback without app adam ID
Unable to receive Postback for SKAdNetwork 3.0