ios: 14.2 iphone xr
I download the demo from ""
it play normally.
and then i change the code as followed:
the purpose is switching "mix render" and "just opengl rendering" and re-create AAPLMetalRenderer each time when re-entry "mix render"
there come a 'bug' phenomenon: the first frame each time from "just opengl" to "mix render" will display the old picture ( it was the last picture when "mix render" to "just opengl " ) .
the first frame it will re-create the AAPLMetalRenderer and call drawToInteropTexture, but it seems that the "InteropTexture" do not 'update' yet ( or opengl's draw do not wait for metal finish rendering to 'InteropTexture' ? )
so I have a question about how metal and opengl sync??
int counter = 0 ;
bool currentMetal = false ;
- (void)draw:(id)sender
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:_context];
counter = counter % 180;
if (counter < 90)
bool waitForFinish = false ;
if (!currentMetal) // re-entry "mix render"
// create MetalRender
_metalRenderer = nil;
_metalRenderer = [[AAPLMetalRenderer alloc] initWithDevice:_metalDevice colorPixelFormat:AAPLOpenGLViewInteropPixelFormat];
[_metalRenderer useTextureFromFileAsBaseMap];
[_metalRenderer resize:AAPLInteropTextureSize];
currentMetal = true ;
[_metalRenderer drawToInteropTexture:_interopTexture.metalTexture waitForFinish:waitForFinish];
[_openGLRenderer draw];
[_metalRenderer justUpdate]; // not metal render
[_openGLRenderer justClear]; // just clean opengl's fbo
currentMetal = false ;
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, _colorRenderbuffer);
[_context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];
_openGLRenderer justClear is below:
- (void) justClear
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, _defaultFBOName);
glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
_metalRenderer justUpdate is below:
- (void)justUpdate
[self updateState];