SharePlay in-app navigation

when is it appropriate to listen for activity sessions if my app has multiple screens?

Lets say I have an app Main Screen -> List of videos Screen -> Player screen

Few cases that I would like to combine:

  1. Two people on a call, both have app closed:

If I start session inside Player, other participant will open an app on main screen how do I navigate it to the player initially? Should I start listening for activity session on the main screen already and then if session is observed I need to set navigation stack and join session side player when it opens?

  1. Two people on a call, both have app opened and watching different contents:

If I start session inside Player, other participant will replace it's current playing item with one that is shared

how to combines this two cases with one implementation? Or SharePlay is not meant to be leading you right to the player screen when shareplay starts, and users should open same content manually before shareplaying?

  • This is a question I want to know as well.

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