A server is sending pushes to my app and when I look at what the iPhone is logging, it says:
Received remote notification request 48E4-17A1 [ waking: 0, hasAlertContent: 1, hasSound: 0 hasBadge: 0 hasContentAvailable: 0 hasMutableContent: 1 pushType: None]
Note that the pushType is None.
However the server is setting apns-push-type to "alert" and the push payload contains an alert section
alert = {
body = "i am a body";
subtitle = "the subTitle";
title = "Hello there";
This is causing problems when trying to suppress the notification (using a notification service extension and the com.apple.developer.usernotifications.filtering entitlement). The iPhone is logging:
Notification filtering will not be allowed because the push type 'None' is not 'Alert'
Why does the OS think the push doesn't have a type when the server is setting apns-push-type?