I too am seeing a new behavior with iOS 15.
Prior to iOS 15, I would use Sandbox testers with TestFlight builds for IAP renewable subscriptions. When making the IAP purchase, I would be challenged (in a modal dialog) to enter the Sandbox testers credentials (both username and password). Sometimes, I would be challenged to re-enter the password to complete the subscription. This has not changed between iOS 14 and iOS 15 devices.
However, if I then delete the app, reinstall from TestFlight and attempt to restore a purchase, on iOS 15, I am getting the error "An unknown error occurred".
default 12:16:37.428196+0100 SubscriptionApp -[EBAuthenticationService paymentQueue:restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError:] [Line 599] ERROR:Restore transaction failed: An unknown error occurred
NSLocalizedDescription = "An unknown error occurred";
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=1001 \"MZFinance.NoAccount_message\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=MZFinance.NoAccount_message}";
default 12:16:12.627633+0100 appstored AMSAuthenticateTask: [53574A61] Looking for an existing account. altDSID = (null) | DSID = (null) | username = (null)
default 12:16:12.630357+0100 appstored AMSAuthenticateTask: [53574A61] Failed to find an existing account. We'll create a new one instead.
default 12:16:12.643095+0100 appstored AMSAuthenticateTask: [53574A61] The device doesn't have an active account for com.apple.AppleMediaServices.accountmediatype.appstore.beta. We'll make the account active if we successfully authenticate it.
error 12:16:12.643619+0100 appstored "Error returned from daemon: Error Domain=com.apple.accounts Code=6"
default 12:16:12.643923+0100 appstored AMSAuthenticateTask: [53574A61] Generating a password.
default 12:16:12.644018+0100 appstored AMSAuthKitUpdateTask: [53574A61] === Starting ===
default 12:16:35.308770+0100 appstored AMSAuthKitUpdateResult: [53574A61] AuthKit gave us updated identifiers. We'll attempt to find an existing account that matches the new identifiers.
default 12:16:35.309871+0100 appstored AMSAuthKitUpdateResult: [53574A61] The new identifiers are for a different existing account. existingAccount = <ACAccount: 0x10870a900 type = iTunesStore.sandbox | backingID = 1B413FC4-01CC-4DF0-B7B5-8331500E02A3 | username = qa-eb01@cliqconsulting.com | altDSID = 000722-10-7e386279-e9bd-4bad-98c6-6493494087cc | DSID = 20457517352 | active = true | storefront = 143441-1,30 ab:aF574PC1>
default 12:16:35.312802+0100 appstored AMSAuthKitUpdateTask: [53574A61] The AuthKit authentication succeeded. result = <AMSAuthKitUpdateResult: 0x108d5fbd0>
default 12:16:35.312855+0100 appstored AMSAuthKitUpdateTask: [53574A61] === Finished ===
default 12:16:35.313213+0100 appstored AMSAuthenticateTask: [53574A61] Successfully generated a password. Performing the authentication.
This account will only be used for testing your in-app purchases while developing locally. Your existing App Store account will be used for TestFlight apps.