LazyVGrid rows no longer filling available height in Monterey

Since upgrading to Monterey I am seeing a bug in my app where items in a LazyVGrid row do not have matching heights anymore.

Prior to Monterey, each item in the row would have the height of the tallest item (purple) and the Spacer would allow the smaller ones to stretch.

Is this a bug that we can expect to be fixed or should I try to achieve this layout in a different way?

Here is a simple example demonstrating it:

import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport

struct ContentView: View {
  var columns: [GridItem] {
    [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 80), spacing: 16, alignment: .top)]
  var body: some View {
    LazyVGrid(columns: columns, alignment: .leading, spacing: 16) {
      VStack {
        Spacer() 20)
      VStack {
        Spacer() 10)
      VStack {
        Color.yellow.frame(height: 5)
      VStack {
        Spacer() 15)
      VStack {
        Spacer() 25)
      VStack {
        Color.purple.frame(height: 30)
    .frame(width: 600)


adding .frame(height: 60) to each VStack works for me on macos 12.1 beta.

Thanks for the reply. While this does work by fixing each frame with the same height, I am more interested in why the grid changed so that the items are not all the same height automatically based on the tallest item in the row. In my particular app, I do not know the height of each item because of multiline text and certain elements being on/off

any update on this? and it looks like LazyV grid with multiple columns works if the grid item height is fixed.

LazyVGrid rows no longer filling available height in Monterey