in order to block an app i need to have a bundle identifier for the app i want to block and then pass it to the Application constructor like this: Application(bundleIdentifier: "") then i can use it inside my app extension to block it
in the case of shielding an app the situation is that i need the applicationToken which i tried to get from the Application object and transfer it to my app extension threw NSUserDefaults with no success. it seems that applicationToken value is unreachable and nil when i create an Application object. after this i tried to get an applicationToken of a selected app from the familyActivityPicker and i had success and managed to shield the app i selected.
i did all of this on a child device only in a parent device the familyActivityPicker shows only categories and i cant figure out how the connection to the child apps in order to block or shield them will be made
my questions are:
is it possible to get applicationTokens not from the familyActivityPicker?
how the parent app suppose to block an app on the child app without having any apps showing?
how a parent app is "talking" with the child app exactly?