I found that after my iMac upgraded to 12.0.1 (21A559), my app get slower than before.
When debugging, I find there is a new function NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle
called before loadNib. it will always cause a CodeSign exception. please help.
0x7ff81f90830b <+1524>: movq 0x3ee478ee(%rip), %rsi ; "_nibFileToLoadFromListOfFiles:atNibPath:isKeyed:"
0x7ff81f908312 <+1531>: movq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi
0x7ff81f908319 <+1538>: movq %rdi, %r12
0x7ff81f90831c <+1541>: movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdx
0x7ff81f908323 <+1548>: movq -0xd8(%rbp), %r14
0x7ff81f90832a <+1555>: movq %r14, %rcx
0x7ff81f90832d <+1558>: callq *0x3d43ef05(%rip) ; (void *)0x00007ff81ccd9040: objc_msgSend
0x7ff81f908333 <+1564>: testq %rax, %rax
0x7ff81f908336 <+1567>: je 0x7ff81f908371 ; <+1626>
0x7ff81f908338 <+1569>: movq %rax, %r15
0x7ff81f90833b <+1572>: movq %rax, %rdi
0x7ff81f90833e <+1575>: callq 0x7ff820435a15 ; NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle
-> 0x7ff81f908343 <+1580>: cmpb $0x0, -0xb1(%rbp)
0x7ff81f90834a <+1587>: movq -0xc8(%rbp), %r13
0x7ff81f908351 <+1594>: je 0x7ff81f9083a4 ; <+1677>
0x7ff81f908353 <+1596>: movq %r15, %rdi
0x7ff81f908356 <+1599>: movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi
0x7ff81f90835d <+1606>: movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdx
0x7ff81f908364 <+1613>: callq 0x7ff81f908984 ; loadNib
0x7ff81f908369 <+1618>: movl %eax, %r15d
0x7ff81f90836c <+1621>: jmp 0x7ff81f9084e3 ; <+1996>
Exception Stack
#1 0x00007ff81f041133 in Security::CodeSigning::CSError::throwMe(int, __CFString const*, void const*) ()
#2 0x00007ff81f0357e5 in Security::CodeSigning::SecStaticCode::staticValidateCore(unsigned int, Security::CodeSigning::SecRequirement const*) ()
#3 0x00007ff81f037315 in Security::CodeSigning::SecStaticCode::staticValidateResource(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, unsigned int, Security::CodeSigning::SecRequirement const*) ()
#4 0x00007ff81f02970b in SecStaticCodeValidateResourceWithErrors ()
#5 0x00007ff820435c73 in NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle ()
#6 0x00007ff81f908343 in +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:options:withZone:ownerBundle:] ()
#7 0x00007ff81f907c22 in -[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:topLevelObjects:] ()