[_UITableViewDragController beginDragForTentativeRows] crashes with exception

Hello, apple devs.

Drag and Drop from UITableView causes crash with exception message "_UITableViewDragController internal inconsistency: tentativeIndexPaths cannot be empty in %@".

Can you fix this problem of inconsistency in feature release?

Here is disassebled code of [_UITableViewDragController beginDragForTentativeRows] function

__text:0000000000DF110C                 LDR             X1, [X8,#0x6F8]
__text:0000000000DF1110                 STR             X0, [SP]
__text:0000000000DF1114                 ADRL            X4, cfstr_Uitableviewdra ; "_UITableViewDragController.m"
__text:0000000000DF111C                 ADRL            X6, cfstr_Uitableviewdra_2 ; "_UITableViewDragController internal inconsistency: tentativeIndexPaths cannot be empty in %@"
__text:0000000000DF1124                 MOV             X0, X21
__text:0000000000DF1128                 MOV             X2, X20
__text:0000000000DF112C                 MOV             X3, X19
__text:0000000000DF1130                 MOV             W5, #0xF1
__text:0000000000DF1134                 BL              _objc_msgSend

Date/Time:           2021-10-21 22:46:25.8983 +0200
Launch Time:         2021-10-15 15:39:29.9331 +0200
OS Version:          iPhone OS 15.0 (19A346)
Release Type:        User
Report Version:      104

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:  EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
Triggered by Thread:  0

Last Exception Backtrace:
0   CoreFoundation                	0x18322905c __exceptionPreprocess + 220 (NSException.m:200)
1   libobjc.A.dylib               	0x19b743f54 objc_exception_throw + 60 (objc-exception.mm:565)
2   Foundation                    	0x184aea99c -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 200 (NSException.m:242)
3   UIKitCore                     	0x1866c1ed4 -[_UITableViewDragController beginDragForTentativeRows] + 580 (_UITableViewDragController.m:241)
4   UIKitCore                     	0x1866c2168 -[_UITableViewDragController beginDragOfRowsForSession:notifyDelegate:] + 56 (_UITableViewDragController.m:251)
5   UIKitCore                     	0x1866c3124 -[_UITableViewDragController dragInteraction:sessionWillBegin:] + 84 (_UITableViewDragController.m:397)
6   UIKitCore                     	0x186053768 -[UIDragInteraction _sessionHandedOffDragImage:] + 116 (UIDragInteraction.m:1167)
7   UIKitCore                     	0x186066c88 -[_UIDragSessionImpl _draggingSessionHandedOffDragImage:] + 48 (UIDragSession.m:304)
8   UIKitCore                     	0x186076524 -[_UIInternalDraggingSessionSource _sendHandedOffDragImage] + 124 (UIDragging.m:1155)
9   UIKitCore                     	0x186074930 __94-[_UIInternalDraggingSessionSource _sendDragPreviewReplyWithIndexSet:dragPreviews:completion:]_block_invoke + 188 (UIDragging.m:808)
10  UIKitCore                     	0x185966db4 -[_UIAfterCACommitBlock run] + 72 (_UIAfterCACommitQueue.m:137)
11  UIKitCore                     	0x185877fe0 -[_UIAfterCACommitQueue flush] + 200 (_UIAfterCACommitQueue.m:228)
12  libdispatch.dylib             	0x182e99c04 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 (init.c:1516)
13  libdispatch.dylib             	0x182e9b950 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:560)
14  libdispatch.dylib             	0x182ea9d30 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 940 (inline_internal.h:2597)
15  CoreFoundation                	0x1831e1ce4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 16 (CFRunLoop.c:1795)
16  CoreFoundation                	0x18319bebc __CFRunLoopRun + 2540 (CFRunLoop.c:3144)
17  CoreFoundation                	0x1831af3c8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 (CFRunLoop.c:3268)
18  GraphicsServices              	0x19e9c038c GSEventRunModal + 164 (GSEvent.c:2200)
19  UIKitCore                     	0x185b550bc -[UIApplication _run] + 1100 (UIApplication.m:3457)
20  UIKitCore                     	0x1858d2be8 UIApplicationMain + 2124 (UIApplication.m:5013)
21  Live Home 3D                  	0x100eeca34 main + 96 (main.m:24)
22  dyld                          	0x10281da24 start + 520 (dyldMain.cpp:876)

Kernel Triage:
VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get
VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get

Thread 0 name:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	0x00000001b90269c4 __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00000001f255f434 pthread_kill + 268 (pthread.c:1609)
2   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x000000018e024f64 abort + 164 (abort.c:118)
3   libc++abi.dylib               	0x000000019b84bbc4 abort_message + 132 (abort_message.cpp:78)
4   libc++abi.dylib               	0x000000019b83cfd8 demangling_terminate_handler() + 332 (cxa_default_handlers.cpp:71)
5   libobjc.A.dylib               	0x000000019b74a064 _objc_terminate() + 144 (objc-exception.mm:701)
6   libc++abi.dylib               	0x000000019b84af58 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 20 (cxa_handlers.cpp:59)
7   libc++abi.dylib               	0x000000019b84aef4 std::terminate() + 64 (cxa_handlers.cpp:88)
8   libdispatch.dylib             	0x0000000182e9b964 _dispatch_client_callout + 40 (object.m:563)
9   libdispatch.dylib             	0x0000000182ea9d30 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 940 (inline_internal.h:2597)
10  CoreFoundation                	0x00000001831e1ce4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 16 (CFRunLoop.c:1795)
11  CoreFoundation                	0x000000018319bebc __CFRunLoopRun + 2540 (CFRunLoop.c:3144)
12  CoreFoundation                	0x00000001831af3c8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 (CFRunLoop.c:3268)
13  GraphicsServices              	0x000000019e9c038c GSEventRunModal + 164 (GSEvent.c:2200)
14  UIKitCore                     	0x0000000185b550bc -[UIApplication _run] + 1100 (UIApplication.m:3457)
15  UIKitCore                     	0x00000001858d2be8 UIApplicationMain + 2124 (UIApplication.m:5013)
16  Live Home 3D                  	0x0000000100eeca34 main + 96 (main.m:24)
17  dyld          
[_UITableViewDragController beginDragForTentativeRows] crashes with exception