How to apply a geometry modifier to a VideoMaterial in RealityKit?

I have a model that uses a video material as the surface shader and I need to also use a geometry modifier on the material.

This seemed like it would be promising (adapted from ~5m 50s).

// Did the setup for the video and AVPlayer eventually leading me to
let videoMaterial = VideoMaterial(avPlayer: avPlayer)

// Assign the material to the entity
entity.model!.materials = [videoMaterial]

// The part shown in WWDC: Set up the library and geometry modifier before, so now try to map the new custom material to the video material
entity.model!.materials = entity.model! { baseMaterial in
      try! CustomMaterial(from: baseMaterial, geometryModifier: geometryModifier)

But, I get the following error

Thread 1: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: RealityFoundation.CustomMaterialError.defaultSurfaceShaderForMaterialNotFound

How can I apply a geometry modifier to a VideoMaterial? Or, if I can't do that, is there an easy way to route the AVPlayer video data into the baseColor of CustomMaterial?

Answered by Graphics and Games Engineer in 693267022

Hi, I looked at the RealityKit source code, and we only support geometry modifiers on PhysicallyBasedMaterial, UnlitMaterial, and SimpleMaterial. So you will have to route the AVPlayer video data to a CustomMaterial texture. You might be able to accomplish this using the DrawableQueue API. However, I don't know how you can actually get the AVPlayer data into the DrawableQueue, but I'm sure it's possible.

Please file a feature request for this on Feedback Assistant and post the feedback number here, I will send the request to the RealityKit graphics team. If you could provide some more info about your use case in the feature request that would be great.

Accepted Answer

Hi, I looked at the RealityKit source code, and we only support geometry modifiers on PhysicallyBasedMaterial, UnlitMaterial, and SimpleMaterial. So you will have to route the AVPlayer video data to a CustomMaterial texture. You might be able to accomplish this using the DrawableQueue API. However, I don't know how you can actually get the AVPlayer data into the DrawableQueue, but I'm sure it's possible.

Please file a feature request for this on Feedback Assistant and post the feedback number here, I will send the request to the RealityKit graphics team. If you could provide some more info about your use case in the feature request that would be great.

How to apply a geometry modifier to a VideoMaterial in RealityKit?