Frequent iOS 15.1 crashes

We are seeing frequent crashes from within the CocoaAsyncSocket library on iOS 15.1

So far iOS 15.1 is the only os version affected even though the 15.1 population is small relative to 15.0 and 14.x. This leads us to think that this is likely an issue with iOS?

This is possibly a race condition because the crash does not occur every time this code is exercised, however we haven't been able to diagnose with the Thread Sanitizer because the Thread Sanitizer is only available on the simulator, and iOS 15.1 is not yet available for the simulator.

Any ideas?

I have the same question.

If that's helpful, we did find a solution to our most immediate problem (the crash itself): digging through our own code we discovered that our logic to recover from an unexpected disconnect event was flawed, as our app was calling connect more than once in response to a single disconnect event.

The crash went away after we cleaned up redundant connect calls. It is still unclear why iOS 13, 14 were unaffected by the redundant calls - but it no longer matters at this point.

Frequent iOS 15.1 crashes