Slower xctrace export with Xcode 13

I'm using xcrun xctrace export --output results.xml --input test_trace.trace --xpath '//trace-toc[1]/run[1]/data[1]/table' to export data from a test run with instruments as part of my app's CI. With Xcode 12 this resulted in an xml file that I could parse relatively quickly, but now with Xcode 13 the export process itself is taking 90+ seconds and generating a 160mb xml file for a 10 second recording.

I noticed the table that has increased is the time-sample schema. Just attempting to export this table with --xpath '//trace-toc[1]/run[1]/data[1]/table[4]' takes quite a while. The table has about 790 thousand rows. I'm using a custom instrument based off the time profiler, and still have about the same number of stack trace samples in my output. Did anything change in Xcode 13 that caused instruments to include many more time samples that aren't corresponding to a stack trace? Is it possible to disable this to have fewer time samples in my trace (while preserving the stack trace frequency) so the xml can be parsed quicker?

Slower xctrace export with Xcode 13