Anyone has experience validate if endpoint is FIPS 140-2 compliant. Any documentation will be helpful. thanks
Hello @jimstr,
Apple has some information on this posted at the below site. I would strongly recommend reviewing it and the other information as it has some really interesting details.
From an architecture perspective, I would suggest not trusting Apple by default as that could get you in trouble in the long run. Even if you choose to rely on their current compliance standards, I would still recommend at a minimum encrypting the data in the notification payload and implementing a notification service extension and decrypting the data inside of the application container before posting to the device to at least ensure the plain text is not stored on Apple servers.
Dynamically delivering a certificate to decrypt the data would be ideal, but if that is not possible and it needs to be included in the IPA file that is better than sending plain text through the system.
Hopefully this helps!