App will notrunon Simulator

When I try to run my Xcode project on the iOS 15 simulator, I get the message: "appname's architectures (arm64) include none that the iPad(9th generation) can execute (intel 64-bit)

I am using XCode 13 on Mac OS 11.6 (Big Sur). My Macbook pro is an iIntel (Core i5) model from late 2013

The message appears for any of the simulatorson the list, even iPhone 13

I need to be able to debug my app. How can I get the project to run on the simulator, so that I can start debugging?

Could you show what Architectures you have in your project build settings ?

Thank you for your reply! I am using x86_64$(ARCHS_STANDARD) Architectures in both project and build settings. I also tried using arm64, armv7$(ARCHS_STANDARD), which worked in previous versions of XCode, but on XCode 13 it no longer works. I get the same error message as shown in my previous post. Here are the project build settings:

And here are the target build settings. Deployment target is iOS11 for both

I changed the project and the target build Architectures settings to what I think are the default values. There are no excluded architectures, and there is no VALID_ARCHS setting as far as I can tell. I am attaching screenshots of my settings.

I am still getting the same error when I try to run the simulator. Please help.

App will notrunon Simulator