I have a TransparentProxyProvider VPN implemented in a xcode-project, and it contains the systemextension (TransparentProxyProvider) and an App which configures and enables the VPN. Both of these are inside same AppSanbox.
Now I have another service (a C++ Project) which needs to takes some action when the above VPN status is changing (from Disconnected -> Connecting -> Connected). I have this limitation that I cannot put this service in the same project where SystemExtension is build.
Is there a method available using which I can add observer on the VPN status outside process?
I have related question
It’s probably best to put that in a separate thread.
With regards your original issue, if all your code is from the same team then you could:
Track the VPN state within your sysex (it seems likely that you’re already doing that).
Have the sysex publish an XPC service that vends that state.
Have your unrelated daemon use that XPC service to learn about state changes.
Alternatively, is your service visible to SCNetworkConnection
? If so, SCNetworkConnectionGetStatus
might be sufficient for your needs.
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