When using a diffable data source on iOS 13 and iOS 14 in combination with a fetched result controller, the didChangeContentWith method of the NSFetchedResultsController delegate return a new snapshot with inserted, deleted and moved items.
Unfortunately, in the new snapshot items that have been modified are not refreshed. That's because the system appears to compare the identifiers to determine whether a refresh is needed or not. If we change an attribute of a Core Data entity the identifier remain the same and the item in the snapshot is not refreshed. For this reason, on iOS 13 and iOS 14, we need to manually check which objects have been updated and manually refresh the corresponding items in the snapshot.
Now, it seems that on iOS 15 this is no more needed. The new snapshot I receive in the NSFetchedResultsController didChangeContentWith delegate method also contain refreshed items. So, in order to apply the new snapshot I only need to call a single line of code:
func controller(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>, didChangeContentWith snapshot: NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshotReference) {
guard let diffableDataSource = diffableDataSource else {return}
diffableDataSource.apply(snapshot as NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<Section, NSManagedObjectID>, animatingDifferences: true)
That's great, but I'm not sure if that's a feature we can count on from iOS 15 onwards. Is this new behaviour documented somewhere?
Thank you