Does UIPointerInteraction work on MacCatalyst?

I thought it would be an easy way to add a custom mouse icon.

I didn't see anything that said it wouldn't work. I followed the instructions to create a UIPointerInteraction for a custom view and set the delegate, add it to the view (which has other working interactions, including a hover gesture recognizer), return a region from the delegate method, and return a UIPointerStyle with a UIPointerShape with the +beamWithPreferredLength, but I saw nothing. My delegate methods weren't called. I tried disabling the hover recognizer, still nothing. The view's other interactions include drag, drop, and context menus. Xcode 12.5.1, mac os 11.6

  • I'm having a similar issue. My implementation works on iPadOS but so far I can't get it to work on MacOS Catalyst. Trying to figure out if I'm missing some configuration (already enabled UIApplicationSupportsIndirectInputEvents). Did you manage to figure it out?

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This should work as of macOS Monterey, which is version 12. So your results are expected so far. If you are willing please download the betas and try them out and file Feedbacks if it still does not work. the cursor is also discussed in the WWDC 2021 What's New in Mac Catalyst Session out What's new in Mac Catalyst from #wwdc21